Monday, November 21, 2005

Kemetics and the right to bare arms

I don't know how I missed this news article (I really need to keep up more), given my interest in religious discrimination. I was pleasantly surprised to find it, though. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Comission awarded a Kemetic pagan $150,000 after he was fired from his job at a burger restauraunt for not covering his religious tattoos. The restauraunt wanted a "Wholsome", "All American Kid" which by their definition evidently meant Christian and from the suburbs. Religious and economic bias! Here is the article. It is a very interesting case, and makes me feel better that members of a religion as obscure as Kemeticism can still have their day in court. Granted, I have never heard of a Kemetic group that tattoos its members as part of initiation. Regardless, ma'at (What is Right) shines through again.

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